
InstonomoAI may be removed from our services (Including but not limited to Vinti). This is due to an upgrade coming to our AI.

a dell laptop computer with a red screen

PASS (Protection Action Security System)  keeping you safe. PASS is integrated on all of our sites  and will be integrated onto Vinti keeping you safe online. PASS stops you from downloading malicious files & stops you from visiting scam & malicious sites. PASS will not be released to the public until Vinti is released.   PASS is not yet integrated into Vinti as Vinti &PASS are both in Beta stages.

More info coming after release of Vinti.

Coming Soon

Vinti Browser

Vinti a fast, efficient, modern & secure browser. It comes with PASS integrated keeping you secure online. Browse YouTube, shop, browse the web. Vinti will be available on Windows &  Android

When installing Vinti you will be taken to a MediaFire link which is where we host the download file for you to access and download it, you will then need to continue the setup process from there which is very straight forward however do not hesitate to contact us if you need help.

Vinti now comes with InstonomoAI built in!

Visit our download hub

Asimo robot doing handsign

 Instonomo is an AI meant to help users with there daily tasks, it is currently available on Vinti. Instonomo's also has its own website check it out by clicking the link below.

Instonomo will have its own app as well as being built into Vinti.

How to use Instonomo on Vinti:

1. Click Instonomo AI located at the bottom of the webpage.

2. You can either speak and it will respond or tap on the AI once (Only if your device has a Microphone)

3. If you double click the AI ball you can type into it using your devices keyboard.

Instonomo AI